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Treasure Island (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions)

Robert Louis Stevenson, N.C. Wyeth

Treasure Island (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions)


This action-packed adventure established the classic pirate story as it was written for more than a century afterward, and it made the literary reputation of its young author, Robert Louis Stevenson.

Uiterlijk 21 maart in huis. Hardback | 272 pagina’s |
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Auteur Robert Louis Stevenson, N.C. Wyeth
ISBN 9781435160644
Bindwijze Hardback
Aantal pagina’s 272
Uitgeverij Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatiedatum 27-06-2016

This action-packed adventure established the classic pirate story as it was written for more than a century afterward, and it made the literary reputation of its young author, Robert Louis Stevenson.

Hoogte 203
Breedte 154
Diepte 28
Gewicht 0

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