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The Boy Who Lived

David Holmes

The Boy Who Lived


Harry Potter's stunt double David Holmes was paralysed, aged 25, when a stunt went badly wrong. With his life now changed forever, David shares his crazy dare-devil before life with his difficult journey after, in his unflinching, powerful and inspiring story.

Uiterlijk 22 maart in huis. Hardback | 272 pagina’s |
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Auteur David Holmes
ISBN 9781399738811
Bindwijze Hardback
Aantal pagina’s 272
Uitgeverij Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatiedatum 14-11-2024

Harry Potter's stunt double David Holmes was paralysed, aged 25, when a stunt went badly wrong. With his life now changed forever, David shares his crazy dare-devil before life with his difficult journey after, in his unflinching, powerful and inspiring story.

Hoogte 242
Breedte 164
Diepte 26
Gewicht 0

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