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Rogue Empires

Steven Press

Rogue Empires


In the 1880s Europeans grabbed vast swaths of the African continent, using documents, not guns, as their weapon of choice. Steven Press follows a paper trail of questionable contracts to discover the confidence men who exploited a loophole in international law to assert sovereignty over lands, and whose actions touched off the Scramble for Africa.

Uiterlijk 02 april in huis. Hardback | 384 pagina’s |
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Auteur Steven Press
ISBN 9780674971851
Bindwijze Hardback
Aantal pagina’s 384
Uitgeverij Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatiedatum 10-04-2017

In the 1880s Europeans grabbed vast swaths of the African continent, using documents, not guns, as their weapon of choice. Steven Press follows a paper trail of questionable contracts to discover the confidence men who exploited a loophole in international law to assert sovereignty over lands, and whose actions touched off the Scramble for Africa.

Hoogte 250
Breedte 167
Diepte 31
Gewicht 0

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