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Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology

Robert Arp, Barry (University of Buffalo) Smith, Andrew D. (Grand Valley State University) Spear

Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology


An introduction to the field of applied ontology with examples derived particularly from biomedicine, covering theoretical components, design practices, and practical applications.

Uiterlijk 02 april in huis. Paperback | 248 pagina’s |
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Auteur Robert Arp, Barry (University of Buffalo) Smith, Andrew D. (Grand Valley State University) Spear
ISBN 9780262527811
Bindwijze Paperback
Aantal pagina’s 248
Uitgeverij Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Publicatiedatum 31-07-2015

An introduction to the field of applied ontology with examples derived particularly from biomedicine, covering theoretical components, design practices, and practical applications.

Hoogte 229
Breedte 178
Diepte 15
Gewicht 0

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